Monday, December 1, 2008



fuh,selama hampir 2 hari otak aku penat bekerja,at last,habis gak meeting iso yang memenatkan mentalku.

nape penat? sometimes, to redo is much more difficult than to do. nk ubah2 lebih susah dr nk reka yang baru. at least,biler buat yang baru, u start from scratch, dr benda yang dah ada, nk amend balik will take more time.

aku tak sure adakah iso inline with islamic principle, maybe aku nk cube tanye kat prof aku, ape hukum iso dalam islam. if ade kawan-kawan yang ade pendapat yg bernas,leh la share kat sini.

secara ringkasnya, iso is evidence-based system, maksudnye, ape yg kiter tulih dalam procedure, itulah yg kene buat, evidence-based, yg dh tulih dlm manual,kene ikut, yg takde dlm manual,boleh gak buat tp ikut discretion sendirile. yg bagusnye,iso mengajar jd sistematik, berdisplin, dn apa je kiter buat ade prove.

tp,yg aku tak suke psl iso nie, sometimes too rigid,too complex and involve too many tidious steps,yg pada aku, tak sesuai sgt dgn education field. education should be and must be dynamic and holistic in nature, cannot be associated to much with manuals, procedures and etc.

so,what is islam opinions on ISO? im not sure ....